St. Justin Martyr

What “catholic” should also mean

καθ’ ὅλου — there it is in its original form, dolled up in those adorable Greek letters (romanized it would be kath’olou, meaning something like ‘in a general way’, or ‘according to

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The 99% Percent Problem

How often do we hear that over 90% of this, or 95% of that, or even 99% of something else surprisingly dwarfs the remaining percents in the calculation, and that

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Images and Symbols

The crucifix is an image; the cross is a symbol. The distinction is not academic. When we compare the imaginative universe of Islam and Hinduism, for example, we find in

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Consciousness and/or Conscience?

In most modern Romance languages, the appropriation of the Latin word conscientia was made to do double duty as the word they use both for psychological consciousness and also for

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Choice as Bondage

In the picture you see my father, wondering why his oldest son is taking a snapshot of a supermarket row of breakfast cereals. I’ve seen longer rows than this, but

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The Goodness of the Sixth Day

GOOD-FRIDAY, 1613, RIDING WESTWARD. LET man’s soul be a sphere, and then, in this, Th’intelligence that moves, devotion is; And as the other spheres, by being grown Subject to foreign

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On Being Brilliantly Wrong

Though serious Christians may differ on how to characterize an ‘inerrant’ Bible or an ‘infallible’ Magisterium, consensus ought to be forthcoming regarding the errant and fallible character of every other source

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One Science, Many Religions?

I love to greet new challenges to my deepest convictions. I ran across one yesterday which kept circling like a vulture in my mind all night. When it finally swooped

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