St. Justin Martyr

Introducing Richard De Smet SJ

RICHARD DE SMET (1916-1997) I have been reading Richard De Smet’s work for years and have found him to be the deepest and most erudite interpreter of Indian thought from

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On Changing our Nature

There are things we never refer to because we presume they are settled once and for all. These tacit convictions cast their spell over everything else we think, say and

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Love and Union – synonyms?

Some 40 years ago I spent two hours conversing in Kalady, India, with this monk of the Ramakrishna Mission. I had been sick for six weeks before this meeting, so

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Old Light

I have always been fascinated by old things. Even as a boy I found it easy to relate to the elderly. And when in college I befriended a lady in

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Coda to the Apocalypse

As vital as it is to our basic sanity to honor our senses’ report regarding the centrality of our Earth – both in our daily experience and as concerns our

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On Binary Boors

C.S. Lewis once commented that a language was losing its heart when more and more adjectives became mere synonyms for “good” and “bad.” It is tiresomely well documented in digital

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