On the abused, the corrupted and the exceptional
Abusus non tollit usum. Corruptio optimi pessima. Exceptio probat regulam. These three Latin adages have helped me to stay sane more perhaps that the thousands of pages of philosophy I

Incoming Light
Friends and students had asked me to indicate the authors who have had the greatest influence on my life and thinking. I restricted the list to authors of recent times.

First Review of Kelly Anthology (link e tradução portuguesa)
http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/bernard-kelly-and-the-vigor-of-lay-thought tradução portuguesa (resenha em inglês publicado no The National Catholic Register, 12 de maio de 2018): Bernard Kelly e o vigor do pensamento leigo Gerald J. Russello A CATHOLIC

What “catholic” should also mean
καθ’ ὅλου — there it is in its original form, dolled up in those adorable Greek letters (romanized it would be kath’olou, meaning something like ‘in a general way’, or ‘according to

The 99% Percent Problem
How often do we hear that over 90% of this, or 95% of that, or even 99% of something else surprisingly dwarfs the remaining percents in the calculation, and that

Images and Symbols
The crucifix is an image; the cross is a symbol. The distinction is not academic. When we compare the imaginative universe of Islam and Hinduism, for example, we find in

Consciousness and/or Conscience?
In most modern Romance languages, the appropriation of the Latin word conscientia was made to do double duty as the word they use both for psychological consciousness and also for

The Difference between Difference and ‘Diversity’
Paradox, anyone? How about this: In order to be different at all, you first have to be the same. But another paradox is even more counterintuitive: those who today preach

Christian Diversity – what does it really mean?
We are accustomed to hearing that the prodigious multiplication of Christian, especially Protestant, denominations – some estimates bring the number close to 30,000 – is evidence that Christians are hopelessly

Choice as Bondage
In the picture you see my father, wondering why his oldest son is taking a snapshot of a supermarket row of breakfast cereals. I’ve seen longer rows than this, but

The Goodness of the Sixth Day
GOOD-FRIDAY, 1613, RIDING WESTWARD. LET man’s soul be a sphere, and then, in this, Th’intelligence that moves, devotion is; And as the other spheres, by being grown Subject to foreign

Moving and changing (mudando-se e mudando)
I have been absent from my own blog for several weeks due to a prolonged illness in February, after which — hardly out of the woods health-wise — I was greeted