Misunderstandings of the “esoteric”
There are important differences between a philosophy, religion, or organization that presents itself as “esoteric” and one that simply offers a pedagogical order in the appropriation of what it teaches

Thomas, Thomisms and Thomists
It was in 1966 that I first held a book by Thomas Aquinas in my hands. An Ursuline school near my house was selling old books from its collection, and

A superb TED talk (uma ótima fala TED)
Meus leitores lusófonos deveriam ligar as legendas em português. Anderson fala em 15 minutos o que eu tentei ensinar nos últimos 30 anos. Ele admita que não é filósofo (and

What Philosophy is not – and what it is
No other area of knowledge suffers so much controversy over what exactly it studies as does philosophy. The natural and (even more) the social sciences may harbor ambiguities in their

The Lesson We Overlook at a Solar Eclipse
Since I live in the Southern Hemisphere, I missed the solar eclipse of 2024. But today, with high definition media and thousands of cell phone cameras, I was able to

Light That Illuminates – Light That Blinds
We can measure light, to some extend control it, and for those of us blessed with sight, use it to see, to navigate through life and to shine its beams

Scholia on an Implicit Person
Scholia on an Implicit Person Explorations in Thomism, Advaita Vedanta and Buddhism Scott Randall Paine, University of Brasilia Introduction Is it a person, a place or a thing? It

Online Course on Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
For any of my readers who might be interested, beginning on September 18 I will be giving an 8-week, online course on the thought of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy (1888-1973), sponsored by

Ancient, Not Old
Pulchritudo tam antiqua et tam nova (St. Augustine) “Beauty so ancient and so new,” exclaims the saint as he regrets the tardiness of his turn to God, and yet

Webinar on the Thought of Richard De Smet
Invitation to Inaugural Webinar through ZOOM Theme: INDIAN CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHIZING Thinking Along With and Ahead Richard De Smet Date: 27th Feb, 2023 Time:

Common Confusions about Saints and Scripture
Along with the undeniable benefits brought to us by modern science and technology, our thinking has also been encumbered by a few intellectual missteps. So much has been

Translation: The Only Sacred Language of the Church
Over 30 years ago, I wrote a piece on the importance of the Latin language as cultivated in the Middle Ages (more recently republished here). I still hold, without reservation,