St. Justin Martyr

On Visually Reading the Apocalypse

In the late 14th century, Europe had passed through the Black Death, killing a third of its population (and a full half of its doctors and priests), was in the midst of the 100 Years’ War and had two rival claimants to the papacy. In 1373, the Duke of Anjou commissioned a woven depiction of the numerous scenes from the Book of Revelation, the book in which, somewhat paradoxically, Christians had always looked for consolation in times of trial (its famous “happy ending,” of course, is the explanation). 

I was invited in 1990 to record a line-by-line commentary on the book, which was divided into ten tapes. The copyright holders have graciously allowed me to use the soundtrack of commentary to accompany images of sacred art concerning the last book of the Bible. The Apocalypse Tapestry of Angers serves as the visual golden thread. 

All episodes are now posted in audio. Episode 5 can be viewed in video at my youtube channel: Episode 5: God’s Justice.

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