The Gospel of Luke (cc. 6-13)
In the mid-90s, I was once again invited by the Apostolate for Family Consecration ( to speak, this time on various selections from the Gospel of Luke. In many ways this is my favorite of the Gospels – less busy with Old Testament “proof texts” than Matthew, less hard-hitting than Mark, less soaring than John. Unlike the other three Evangelists, Luke was a gentile, like me. He was close to St. Paul, seems to have had opportunities to converse with the Mother of Jesus (thus the rich Nativity account), and was probably a physician, inspiring him to see Christ as Savior and Healer. His is also the longest of the four Gospels, most narrative in style and relatively easy on the reader. The passages chosen below served not only as opportunities for exegesis, but also excuses to comment on a variety of topics. My interviewer is the founder of the AFC, Jerry Coniker (+2018).
(All episodes now uploaded: 1-39.)
©Used by permission of AFC Media Trust

1. Luke 6
The prayer of Christ, our prayer, grace

2. Luke 6
The Beatitudes I

3. Luke 6
The Beatitudes II

4. Luke 6
The Beatitudes III

5. Luke 6
Love more than Compassion

6. Luke 6
Hypocrisy and True Growth

7. Luke 6
Words and Deeds

8. Luke 7
The Centurion

9. Luke 7
Raising of the Widow's Son

10. Luke 7
Reflections on St. Joseph and St. John the Baptist

11. Luke 7
Fasting and Feasting

12. Luke 7
Giving and Forgiving

13. Luke 7
Terrible Love, Love of Enemies

14. Luke 7
The World of Parables

15. Luke 8
Salt, Light and Leaven

16. Luke 8
The Four Senses of Scripture

17. Excursus
The Book of the Bible

18. Luke 8
The Gerasene Demoniac, the Occult

19. Luke 9
The Three Conversions

20. Luke 9
Get behind me Satan!

21. Luke 10
The Great Commandment

22. Luke 10
Martha and Mary

23. Luke 11
Kinds of Prayer, Lord's Prayer

24. Luke 11
Lord's Prayer, Part II

25. Excursus
The Nine Degrees of Prayer (St. Theresa)

26. Luke 11
Perseverance in Prayer

27. Luke 11
The Mute Demon

28. Luke 11
The Price of Pardon

29. Luke 11
The Sign of Jonah

30. Luke 11
Hypocrisy of Pharisees and Lawyers

31. Luke 12
Revelation of Who We Are

32. Luke 12
Reflections on Suffering

33. Luke 12
Acknowledging God

34. Luke 12
Lilies of the Field, Providence

35. Luke 12
End Time (all the time)

36. Luke 12
Fire on the Earth

37. Luke 13
Waiting for the Fruit

38. Luke 13
The Savior

39. Luke 13
The Narrow Gate